This kit is listed as Fully Stocked 323 Piece Military General Purpose First Aid Box. It comes in a nice and sturdy lightweight plastic case that has a gasket in the lid so that it is waterproof as well as floats. The packaging of the first aid supplies allows for a lot of supplies to fit in a tight space, and given some rearranging you have a little room leftover to add a few more items that I might personally consider essentials to your safety and survival needs.
There are a few things I’d add (listed down below), and a few things to the kit includes that even as a long time nurse, I haven’t gotten a chance to try out yet, so Mark might get to be my test subject. Will post results!
The kit contains essential supplies for your everyday basic first aid needs.
Contents Include
- (1) Hand Sanitizer
- (1) Surgical Tape 1″ x 10 yards. (6510-00-926-8882)
- (1) Triangular Bandage, 40″ x 40″ x 56″ with 2 safety pins (6510-01-525-3695)
- (1) Bleedstop Bandage
- (2) Conforming Gauze 4″ x 4.1 yds (5) ABD Pads, 5″ x 9″
- (5) Burn Cream Packs
- (20) Pain Reliever (2 Tablets per packet)
- (1) First Aid Instructions
- (100) Bandage Strips (6510-00-597-7469)
- (2) Instant Cold Packs
- (20) Antiseptic Wipes
- (1) Multi-Trauma Dressing, 12″ x 30″
- (1) Universal Splint 36″
- (5) Pairs of Latex Gloves
- (5) Pairs of Powder Free Kimberly Clark Sterling Nitrile Gloves, Large
- (1) Field Dressing, 4″ x 7″ (6510-00-159-4883)
- (1) Elastic Bandage, 6″ (6510-00-935-5823)
- (150) Sterile Surgical Gauze, 2″ x 2″ (6510-00-926-9082)
What I thought was really neat and want to try soon is the splint material; it’s a roll of a thin foam-like material that came with instructions. So I’ll let you know how that goes as well.
Everything in the pack seems pretty self-explanatory. It also comes with a small basic first aid and CPR instructions, very basic but good information.
What I Would Add
There are a few items not included that I like to have on hand in my first aid kit. So I am making room to add:
My first go to is a pocket resuscitation mask, you can get these in wallet-sized varieties as well.
This kit already comes with several varieties of bleed stop bandage, but we like to also keep on hand either 3M Vet Bond tissue adhesive or Steri-Strips
to close the wound when it’s is clean and bleeding has stopped. When in remote locations or in situations where an emergency room isn’t an option, either of these can eliminate the need for stitches.
A pair of scissors, I like blunt nose scissors so I don’t jab my patient in the leg when I’m trying to help.
I’m not sure I can make it fit in this kit but if you’re interested in learning how to use a blood pressure cuff and stethoscope, they are nice to have around for gathering a baseline of patients vitals. In cases of trauma and shock the blood pressures and pulse can give good indications of your patient’s status. I think we may post a video for those interested in learning to take a blood pressure and what it can tell you.
I also like to have a medical pen light. Not only for light, but also for pupil reaction if there’s suspected head injury.
And finally I feel a thermometer is always a must.
We also have two more EMT/ first aid kits coming to review, so I will be mentioning this kit several more times for comparison. Check it out it’s a nice kit for the money.