Prepping is a nickname for the act of preparing. Preppers is a label used to describe those who like to prepare for the unknown. This post will give a broad overview of the various components to a good, versatile survival plan, and hopefully start the wheels turning on your own preparation plans. A good strategy will also be beneficial to you and your family during everyday life, as well as actually save money.
Tag: Every Day Carry
How to disassemble and clean your SOG Trident TF-1
I bought the SOG TF1-CP Trident clip knife and have been carrying it every day for over 2 years now. I wanted to give it a good cleaning before my next video which will be a review of the knife and my opinion of it after carrying it over this time.
Continue reading How to disassemble and clean your SOG Trident TF-1
Strikeforce Fire Starter
I decided to test out the UST StrikeForce Fire Starter. This is the best quality flint bar and striker we have seen. The outer construction is made of very sturdy ABS plastic and inside it contains a very large 1/2″ diameter flint bar. The striker is made from a thick piece of hardened steel. Together they produce nice large and very hot sparks.
SOG Trident TF-1 vs Mini Trident TF-21
I started daily carrying a SOG TF1-CP Trident Knife over four years ago. I have been extremely happy with it so I decided I would post a review of the knife, and the primary reasons I have continued to stick with it. I will also show a TF21-CP Trident Mini Knife
to go over the differences.
323 Piece Military General Purpose First Aid Box
This kit is listed as Fully Stocked 323 Piece Military General Purpose First Aid Box. It comes in a nice and sturdy lightweight plastic case that has a gasket in the lid so that it is waterproof as well as floats. The packaging of the first aid supplies allows for a lot of supplies to fit in a tight space, and given some rearranging you have a little room leftover to add a few more items that I might personally consider essentials to your safety and survival needs.
Continue reading 323 Piece Military General Purpose First Aid Box